Dandara Living
Clarence Road
The SiteInitial Design ProposalDandara Living

Initial design proposal

We are proposing an inclusive new community with 412 much needed and high quality homes to rent on this gateway site opposite Temple Meads.

Illustration of Active Frontage at Clarence Road by Dandara Living
412 new homes
412 new homes
Private balcony or terrace
Private balcony or terrace
Work spaces
Work spaces
Courtyard & Terraces
Courtyard & Terraces
Social events
Social events
Bike store
Bike store
Shared gardens
Shared gardens

Development overview

The proposed development is conceived as a set of buildings of different heights, detail and materials that cluster around a terraced landscaped courtyard. This approach provides a considered silhouette that frames the long views of St Mary Redcliffe and also responds in scale to the different neighbours. As one gets closer to the building a refined architectural detail is revealed which creates a human scaled environment of colonnades and balconies.

The ground floor terrace is a public space that connects Chatterton Square and Clarence Road. This space is protected from the busy Temple Gate by a band of active uses such as; a café and co-working space at affordable rents which address Temple Gate but open out into and bring to life the terrace. The active uses extend across the Clarence Road frontage, further animating the experience for pedestrians and road users.

This landscape design dramatically improves the existing public realm and provides a new public route through the site. These spaces are greened with trees and planting and combined with the private terraces the scheme will deliver a substantial increase in biodiversity over what is currently there.

Significant investment in the streets adjacent to the site will result in a widened pavement and safe cycle lane along Clarence Road and Temple Gate, which are both segregated from road traffic, transforming the pedestrian and cyclists' experience of this area.

The scheme at ground floor level is designed to give pedestrians a moment of sanctuary from Temple Gate, with the new public space acting as a pause in the city, but one which is also vibrant and creative.

Public Realm

All buildings would have active street frontages, helping create a safe environment. A new public route through the development from Bath Bridge roundabout to Chatterton Square has been introduced. The building line will be pulled back, enabling the cycle path to be linked around the site and we propose to widen the footpath using planting to separate the cycle lane, pavement and road. We will also undertake extensive street tree planting (to improve on the current only two poor-quality trees) and will install planters with seating to provide places for people to rest and enjoy the new space. We also plan to reinstate cobbled areas to Chatterton Square.

Public realm overhead plan at Clarence Road by Dandara Living
Clarence Road by Dandara Living Ground Floor Plan


The emerging plans include two buildings, on either side of Chatterton Street, linked with a footbridge. All buildings would have active street frontages, helping create a safe environment and there will be a new public space linking Chatterton Street and Clarence Road. The ground floor will have cycle storage and limited under-croft parking as well as space that could be for a variety of uses including a shop, café or community use and includes a new landscape courtyard space. There are also other rooftop spaces across the scheme. A daylight and sunlight study has helped maximise light into shared open spaces and new homes, as well as preserving light into existing homes. The orientation and layout of the design has been informed by wind microclimate studies and analysis.
Clarence Road by Dandara Living Upper Floor Plan
Typical Dandara Living Kitchen indicative of those to be at Clarence Road
Typical Dandara Living Gym indicative of that to be created at Clarence Road


The Clarence Road proposal will provide 412 new homes consisting of a mixture of one, two and three bedroom homes. All of the new homes will be available to rent, fully furnished with furniture options for residents, on long term assured tenancies and managed by Dandara Living. Most homes will have their own private balcony or terrace and at least half would have dual aspect (windows on two sides). All apartments would have access to the shared spaces including a gym, lounge and workspaces as well as a landscaped courtyard at the first floor and additional rooftop amenity space, all covered within the monthly rent.

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Building design

A range of heights and elevations have been designed to create a varied and interesting urban texture and streetscape 'silhouette'. The design and materials choices are to reflect the varied character of other local buildings. A thorough process has been undertaken during the building design, including input from Design West, the independent expert panel which advises the council and developers to help shape better places.

Illustrated view of Clarence Road by Dandara Living from across the River Avon

Building heights

It is a prominent site that warrants a landmark building to mark the gateway to the city centre. We have achieved this through the careful use of height and mass where appropriate and lower scaled development where the scheme meets its neighbours. From four storeys next to its neighbours, heights then climb from five to 11 storeys rising up to the 20 storey element.

Building heights diagram for Clarence Road development by Dandara Living
Clarence Road by Dandara Living location map

Views & heritage

Visual impact and heritage experts have worked alongside the architects throughout the design process to fully assess key views and ensure impact on nearby heritage assets is appropriately sensitive.

Views of Clarence Road building height versus other buildings in the surrounding area
Alternative view of Clarence Road building height versus other buildings in the surrounding area


The site will experience a substantial biodiversity net gain. Biodiversity-rich rooftop planting will provide an ideal environment for bees, butterflies, insects and birds. All planting will be high-quality, low-maintenance and robust. A maintenance plan will ensure planting thrives into the future.

Indicative Biodiversity Image for Clarence Road by Dandara Living


We are redeveloping a brownfield, previously developed site in the city centre that is in a highly sustainable and accessible location suitable for high density development. In the building design we are taking a fabric-first approach to minimise carbon, meaning that we consider the materials used to make up the building itself first before we look at building service systems. Materials we source will be sustainable and will include high levels of recycled materials. We have also considered sustainable energy options, so the building will be connected to the Bristol heat network, a new network of underground pipes that will deliver affordable, low-carbon heat and energy across the city and will have rooftop solar panels. All bathrooms will be water-saving. We are planting trees to promote natural urban cooing. We are targeting Excellent BREEAM Communities and 4 Star Home Quality Mark.

Cycle way
Clarence Road by Dandara Living Movement Diagram 1
Clarence Road by Dandara Living Movement Diagram 2


The site is currently in a traffic-dominated, hostile pedestrian environment, but is well-located for bus and train services. Significant improvements are proposed including creating a safe cycle path joining Clarence Road with Temple Gate - the missing Whitchurch Way cycling route link. All pavements around the development are to be widened to a minimum of 2 metres. A new pedestrian route is proposed from Clarence Road to Chatterton Square through the development to provide relief from Temple Gate.

The development is proposing low levels of car parking - 45 spaces - to include DDA and electric charging. High quality bike storage with bike maintenance facilities is also proposed.

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Flood management

Our proposal is based on the current flood risk before any additional future flood mitigation measures are implemented. The site sits in Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. A site specific flood risk assessment will ensure designs are resilient - a requirement for all central Bristol proposals. A footbridge is proposed to connect the two buildings across Chatterton Street which has a dual role - safe access in a flood event during an emergency and additional public realm. No homes are accessed on the ground floor only.

Clarence Road by Dandara Living Flood Management Diagram



Vertex, 2nd Floor
Stamford Street
WA14 1EX

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Company number: 13649608 | © Dandara Living 2025